There is a great deal of information being posted about Ransomware attacks, causing unprecedented impact and cost.

Those of us in the IT industry recognise our responsibility to protect our systems with modern defenses that are well maintained, and while this is critical, I believe we should be doing more to help educate and support our colleagues so that they are aware of cyber risks – without all the jargon!

My thoughts on this issue are as follows:
  • Are cyber risks being discussed at a board and management level? If not, talk to your MD or CEO to make sure IT is represented and to ensure that they understand the risks are real.
  • Don’t be afraid to get outside help! There are a vast number of great companies who can contribute to forming a cyber security strategy. You could also talk to your HR or marketing team to help raise awareness within your organisation. A monthly IT blog could help this!
  • Are your colleagues trained to recognise suspicious emails? Do they know what to do when one is received? Use real examples which will have a bigger impact.
  • When was the last time you heard someone complaining about waiting for MS Windows to update? Talk with team members and explain why these installs are necessary and how they help.
  • Conduct a “Cyber Security Free Help Day” where colleagues can bring in their home computers! IT can work their magic: running virus scans, checking for issues and most importantly talking about cyber security!
  • The strength of your security is often as strong as your colleagues passwords, having a password policy is extremely important. I love Chris Pirillo‘s (Tech Expert) approach to a password policy.

“Passwords are like underwear: you don’t let people see it, you should change it very often, and you shouldn’t share it with strangers.”
Why not share this with your team?

Keep your communications short, straightforward and light-hearted.

It’s very likely that the next big Ransomware attack is just around the corner. Are we doing everything we can to raise awareness? If so, we will, in turn, reduce the significant impact and risk to our systems and people.

Get in touch with us for a Free Cyber Security Assessment to help you better understand your current data risks, threat protection and security compliance requirements.

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